Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of imagination and emotion? Are you a fan of gripping science fiction adventures that span galaxies and empires? Jerry W Martin brings a unique perspective to his creative endeavors.

FORT WORTH, TX, July 27, 2023 /24-7PressRelease/ — Martin is a multi-talented artist who has made a significant impact in both the literary and music worlds. As an accomplished author, he has captured the hearts of countless readers through his enthralling Triangulum series. This captivating science fiction adventure spans multiple decades, chronicling the epic struggle between three galaxies and their empires vying for supremacy. With five novels already released, the Triangulum series has amassed a devoted following of fans eager to immerse themselves in Martin’s imaginative storytelling.

But Martin’s creative genius doesn’t stop at writing. He is also an accomplished musician with an impressive portfolio of eleven songs, which further showcases his versatility and talent. His music resonates with audiences, eliciting a wide range of emotions and leaving a lasting impact on listeners. With his upcoming releases, including a highly anticipated mystery novel and three new songs, Martin continues to expand his creative range and captivate audiences across different artistic mediums.

In the heart-pounding tale of “Triangulum: Battle for Earth,” we are thrust into a world teetering on the precipice of global conflict. Warplanes hover menacingly above the Atlantic Ocean, and tensions rise as missiles race to strike first, heralding the onset of World War III. In the gripping continuation of the “Triangulum” series, “Triangulum: Earth on Fire,” we witness the war-ravaged planet grappling with the aftermath of the devastating conflict and seeking vengeance for the unprovoked AshDorm attack.

We slowly step into the year 2140, where the fate of the Triangulum Galaxy hangs in the balance in “Triangulum: Rise of an Empire.” United Earth Space Ship (UESS) 111 has finally reached the outer reaches of the galaxy, driven by the desire to retaliate against the devastating AshDorm invasion that had ravaged Earth 117 years prior, resulting in the loss of nearly two billion lives and leaving the planet in ruins. Now, the Earth forces have arrived to ensure the prevention of another AshDorm onslaught.

Once you’re done with 3 books dive into a thrilling intergalactic war filled with unexpected twists and heart-pounding action? In “Triangulum: War of the Ruecca,” the battle between the AshMor Empire and the Earthian Triangulum Fleet has come to a close. But the story is far from over. Finally prepare yourself for an adrenaline-fueled journey filled with strategic decisions, epic battles, and unexpected alliances. Are you ready to step into the midst of the “Triangulum: Battle for Asorrow Gardens.

Reading these books will transport you to a realm of thrilling adventures, relentless conflicts, and thought-provoking challenges that will keep you enthralled from beginning to end. Once you immerse yourself in the pages of these epic tales, there is no turning back. The richly woven narratives, intricate characters, and heart-pounding twists will capture your imagination and hold you captive until the very last word. Brace yourself for an experience that will ignite your sense of wonder, ignite your emotions, and leave an indelible mark on your literary journey. Get ready to dive in, for once you start reading the “Triangulum” series, there is no return – only the exhilarating path that lies ahead.

Martin’s creative genius knows no bounds as he demonstrates his versatility as a writer. Not only does he excel in crafting captivating science fiction stories, as seen in his acclaimed works, but he also delves into the thrilling realm of thrillers. With each book he pens, Jerry proves himself to be a master of storytelling, enthralling readers with his ability to create amazing stories and intricate plotlines that leave you on the edge of your seat.

In the captivating novel “Said in Secret,” readers are introduced to the tenacious private investigator, Josh Sterling. After a decade serving as a CIA operative in China, Josh is haunted by the belief that his lover and co-operative, Min, was tragically killed in an explosion. Returning to the United States, Josh opens his own private investigation office and soon finds himself entangled in a complex case for the Fort Worth Police.

Whether you prefer the tactile experience of holding a hardcover or paperback book in your hands or the convenience of digital reading, you can find the captivating works in multiple formats. On Amazon, you’ll discover his books available in both hardcover and paperback editions, allowing you to add these literary gems to your physical book collection. If you’re an avid e-reader, fear not, for Jerry W Martin’s books are also available in Kindle format. Simply choose the format that suits your reading preferences and indulge in the immersive worlds and gripping narratives that await you within the pages of Martin’s extraordinary stories.

Jerry W Martin is an accomplished author and musician with an impressive portfolio of works. As a writer, Martin has captivated audiences with the thrilling Triangulum series, which has garnered a devoted following of readers. With five novels and eleven songs already in the market, He has established himself as a versatile and talented creator. He is also set to release a mystery novel and three more songs in the near future, further showcasing his creative range. One of his most notable works is the Triangulum series, a thrilling science fiction adventure novel that spans several decades, chronicling the struggle of three galaxies and empires fighting for domination. With a passion for storytelling and music, he continues to captivate audiences with his engaging and imaginative work. He brings a unique perspective to his creative endeavors, infusing his work with passion, depth, and emotion. With a gift for storytelling and a love of music, Jerry W Martin continues to delight and inspire fans around the world.

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